Why Eyelash Treatments are Big News

The beauty industry contributed £28.4bn to the UK economy last year, according to new figures compiled for the British Beauty Council. According to data - compiled at Oxford Economics and revealed to the BBC - beauty stores and salons opened in 1,225 new high street locations, during 2018 and the rise in beauty entrepreneurship continues to rise inexorably, as women - and men - of all ages are tuning into the need to look after their skin and bodies properly. You only have to look at your local high street to see the number of beauty salons available, to know that it’s a dynamic that isn’t going to change anytime soon.

Eyelash Extensions - Luscious Lashes that give you a lift

Your eyes are a gateway to the world, so you need to look after them at all times. Put it this way, if you need glasses you go and get them from an optician. The same applies to your eyelashes. Following a necessary eye patch test, at least 48 hours before treatment, we can carefully apply eyelash extensions, using a suitable glue that makes sure your safety isn’t compromised. And if, by any chance, you’ve never had eyelash extensions before, there is nothing to be concerned about. Our team of highly skilled therapists are suitably trained. You shouldn’t feel any pain or discomfort in or around your eyes during or after the procedure.

What is Length Volume and Lift?

Are you looking for a way to make your lashes look longer and fuller with added tone and depth? LVL stands for length, volume and lift. Heard these terms before? You probably have, because at least one of these words appears on pretty much every decent mascara product on the market. Imagine a product that could lengthen, volumise and lift at the same time? There hasn’t been one developed yet, but there is a service that does the next best thing, and it’s very big news in beauty circles.

How does a LVL Lash Lift work?

A lash lift involves the natural curling and perming of your lashes to make them appear longer and fuller. So, lash lifts give an enhanced look to your natural lashes, while eyelash extensions can be used for a rather dramatic effect. Here’s everything you need to know about this effective and low maintenance lash lift treatment, which is applied to your top eyelashes only, and typically lasts between 45 minutes to an hour:

  • Lashes are cleaned and then covered in a special serum that straightens them from the root

  • Rather than actually straightening them the serum gives them that super curled or permed look, so coveted by everyone from A list celebrities to your best friend

  • A silicone shield is added to protect your eyelashes

  • Your lashes are then tinted, using a special dye, and if you’re a little sparse in this area, you might be offered some individual lash extensions as well

  • The tint gives your eyelashes the impression of having had permanent mascara applied

  • Your eyes are shut the entire time, during treatment, so you might actually find yourself falling asleep and dreaming of how you’ll look when you wake up

  • If taken proper care of, LVL lashes should last between six to eight weeks, which represents great value for money

  • You should expect to shed most of your lashes throughout the normal growth cycle of your natural lashes, so infills can be applied every second or third week to maintain appearance

How should I look after my LVL Lashes?

Firstly, you cannot allow your lashes to get wet, or moist, for up to 48 hours after treatment. This is worth knowing, as washing your hair can be tricky. You’re also not supposed to apply mascara for the first two days, but you shouldn’t want or need to, because your lashes will never have looked better. Following those first two days you should be careful when cleaning around your eyes. Rather than dragging a cotton pad along your lashes, press it onto the eye and hold for around 10 seconds. It’ll keep your lashes looking stronger for longer.

Your lashes are important, look after them

Many of our team of Quines are hair and beauty experts with years of experience working in the industry, and therefore understand and always emphasise to clients how your eyelashes are just as important as the hair on your head. After all, you wouldn’t spend a large amount of money on a cut, colour and style in a salon, and then not invest in quality products to maintain healthy hair. The same principle applies to eyelash treatments.

Give yourself the gift of a LASHUS lift

We’re currently taking a lot of bookings for eyelash extensions, LASHUS and infill treatments. So much so, that our make up artist is now in salon every Friday and Saturday to assist our team of dedicated Quines. If you’d like to take advantage of this brilliant eyelash treatment, contact us to book an appointment and we’ll pamper you to your heart’s content.

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