Dermaplaning Treatments - For Super Smooth and Glowing Skin

As the new decade gets into full swing, there are some major changes predicted within the beauty and cosmetics industry, for 2020. Whilst we’re all different in our opinions and approach to beauty treatments, many patients felt, for a long time, that the best way to achieve a certain look, or an improved body shape, was to go under the knife for what could often be a painful and distressing procedure. The benefits of dermaplaning treatments might just change your view on that.

Get that natural look without any pain at all

For long enough, it seems to have been accepted that with no initial pain, there would be no long term gain for the skin and body. If you wanted a specific look, there had to be some personal sacrifice involved. The good news is that according to some of the UK’s top beauty industry professionals, 2020 is set to be the year that we reduce often complicated, invasive surgery procedures in favour of much simpler, more straightforward treatments designed to lift, plump and smooth the skin. 

It seems that a greater number of people favour a more natural look, without the need for surgical treatments such as face lifts and tummy tucks. This doesn’t mean that they’ve been kicked into touch completely, it simply means that an increasing number of beauty salons, have gained the professional knowledge and specialism required to undertake what would previously have been viewed as far too specialist or niche for a high street outlet.

Dermaplaning - a simple way to feel more confident about your skin

For many people, nourishing and rejuvenating the skin and using anti-ageing products is the key to looking younger and feeling much more confident about their appearance. More knowledgeable patients see cosmetic surgery as both an unnecessary and out-dated option, not to mention the time and expense involved. But what if you could make your skin feel better by simply using a blade? 

Most people would naturally wince at the mention of using a scalpel to scrape dead skin cells from the face, but that’s exactly what a dermaplaning treatment is. Over time, very fine vellus hairs - often known as baby hair - grow on the face. A professional using a medical scalpel gently exfoliates the outer layer of dead skin cells, allowing the skin to breathe. The most important thing to stress here is that the entire procedure doesn’t hurt. It's basically shaving for your skin, instead of your hair, and will leave your skin looking super smooth and positively glowing.

Other benefits of dermaplaning include:

  • Reduction of  the appearance of shallow acne scars and fine lines

  • Skin appears brighter in colour

  • Unclogging the pores will allow the skin to breathe

  • Immediately diminishes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

  • Increases absorption of topical products, moisturisers and serums

  • Creates a healthier and more radiant appearance

  • Leaves a smoother surface for better make-up application

One of the more common misconceptions about dermaplaning, is that , with repeated treatments, it will make the hair on your face grow back darker and thicker. This isn’t true. Dermaplaning has the same effects on your facial hair as shaving your face with a razor, and will not change the texture or number of hair follicles you have on the surface of your face. There is no need for shaving creams or any other moisturiser as dermaplaning treatments are applied on dry skin for maximum benefit. And, whilst you might initially see some slight redness of skin, there is technically no ‘downtime’ following a dermaplaning treatment. 

Is Dermaplaning safe for everyone?

In the hands of a professional, dermaplaning treatment is safe for all skin types, especially those with sun damage, fine lines, dry patches, and dull skin. However, if you do have highly reactive, sensitive skin or inflamed acne, dermaplaning might irritate your skin.

Why not book your Dermaplaning treatment at Bonnie Quines?

As we’ve highlighted, dermaplaning treatments are becoming very popular, and we’ve many happy customers seeing and feeling the benefits of much smoother and glowing skin. Typically, you’ll need to have sessions every four to six weeks to maintain your skin’s appearance. 

So why not take the first step and book your initial dermaplaning session, today?

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